Endless woes as Tharaka Nithi football clubs suffer financially

To argue that Tharaka Nithi’s football is on a downward spiral is not an understatement.
The County which some years back boasted of the famed Chogoria stars that caused ripples at the top level is a pale shadow of itself. Many teams that were playing at a high level have certainly disappeared.
A case in point is Chuka United. The team that had promised to take the County to the high level is no more.
Lack of finances has hampered the progress of most clubs with many frantic efforts to salvage the team being unsuccessful.
According to various football club managers in the region, the last season of the team’s performance in the regional league was hampered by a lot of financial challenges despite the huge potential.
The teams were barely surviving with an approach to relevant sports stakeholders not bearing much fruit.
Mutembei Kabuthi, a former footballer of Kirubia FC says the exit of the team means that the many talented players in the County will go to waste.
Kabuthi added that this is the main challenge to the County football stakeholders bearing in mind that neighbouring Counties like Embu have teams that are top-notch like Ewassco and 2NK.
Time will tell whether sports stakeholders will implement measures to avoid this momentous slide of football.