By Gerald Mukembu
36630 Meru residents are currently suffering from hypertension while 13 087 cases of Diabetes have been reported.
As the World marked hypertension day on Friday, stakeholders in the health sectors are calling out residents to visit health facilities near them for accurate tests and earlier treatment.
The Meru County government health executive George Mungania said they will continue with sensitization to the village level through the over 3700 Community Health Promoters who will be at their service.
“Stop going to hospital when it is too late. Some patients even die while asleep. These reported cases are of our friends and family members. There is urgent need of awareness, prevention, diagnosing and treatment. Hypertension demands life care support. We are committed to create awareness and community preventative measures. Let’s stand in solidarity with those affected,” he said.
He said some of factors associated with causing the disease includes excessive alcoholism, physical inactivity, poor dietary and smoking.
Benjamin Kobia, the non-communicable diseases director has been in the forefront in advocating for awareness creation, diseases prevention and treatment.
County Health Director Justin Muthee said the disease is not transmitted but very dangerous.
“It is in our villages and wherever you are ensure you are screened for your blood sugar and blood Pressure. I assure you once discovered early that you have the disease our health facilities have essential drugs,” Muthee said.
He said some of factors associated with causing the disease includes excessive alcoholism, physical inactivity, poor dietary and smoking.
Koome Muthuri, the Director for Health in Meru County Government expressed his gratitude to the World Diabetes Foundation adding that blood Pressure is killing in all the sub counties.
He said North Imenti, Imenti South and Buuri East tops with the disease.
“The only way to live long is taking the medications. Despite being a non-communicable, the disease has no signs or symptoms in your body. To be secure and safe from the disease, go for checkups after every three months. Avoid cholesterol, avoid taking so much sugar, avoid stresses, do more exercises, avoid smoking, stop excessive consumption of alcohol. Eat healthy and especially indigenous foods,” Muthuri said.
Muthuri thanked Governor Mwangaza for her support in spearheading the sensitization against none communicable diseases.
County Health Executive Member said the national government has donated more than 6000 kits for CHPs to continue with their work.
“This has been realized due to lobbying by Governor Mwangaza” he said.