Man lodges petition to stop vetting of governor Kawira’s Chief officer

A man has petitioned the Court and the County Assembly of Meru to stop the vetting of the Chief Officer Department of Health Services Dr Joseph Wahome Mukundi.
Mr Thuranira Salesio Mutuma, a renowned activist in Meru County has challenged the eligibility of Wahome arguing that he is not fit for the position.
In his affidavit, Mutuma accuses Wahome of bleaching the constitution and statutory laws while serving as the Chief officer in an acting capacity in the said position.
Mutuma alleges Wahome of unceremoniously ejecting and demoting the former Director of Public Health Dr John Inanga and in his position appointing Paul Kimathi.
According to the activist, the former director of public health raised complaints over his dismissal to the County Secretary but he was given a deaf ear.
The Meru activist also indicts the embattled doctor for dismissing Dr Patrick Mutembei Nkanata without indicating the reason for his termination.

Wahome is also accused of illegally realigning the health department and appointing a new County health team contrary to his statutory role an issue that Mutuma says made the Kenya Union of Clinical Officers caution him
Wahome’s name is among 13 new names of County Executive Committee Members and Chief officers that were submitted by Meru governor Kawira Mwangaza to the County Assembly of Meru for vetting and possible approval.