Kiirua Technical Trainining College hold its second graduation ceremony

The government has collaborated with various partners in developing different mechanisms that will empower the TVET sub – sector in Kenya. Such mechanism as funding model aims at ensuring equity and access to TVET courses by all learners through financial support to the institutions in order to enhance provision of services to the students.
Speaking when she graced the second graduation ceremony at Kiirua Technical Training Institute, Principal Secretary in the State Department of Vocational and Technical Training Dr. Esther Thaara Muoria expressed government’s commitment to promoting technical education in the country.
Dr Muoria further revealed that the government has initiated robust curriculum reforms through implementation of the competency based Education and Training, in a bid to re – orient students from theory – based training to higher industry – based training for enhanced hands – on skills.
“I hereby urge TTIs, TTCs and VTCs, to collaborate with the national polytechnics in their regions in the development and implementation of Competency Based Education and Training curricula”, added the PS.
She also noted that the State Department is in the process of exploring collaborations with different international partners for employment of TVET graduates.
“This will expand the scope of the job market as well as provide a regulated global work exposure to the youths”, She added.
The PS advised TVET institutions in Kenya to initiate the training of key foreign languages such as German, French and Mandarain in their institutions to be undertaken by students who wish to work abroad in their various disciplines.

The school Principal Dr Jackson Mbae noted that the Institution has produced many technicians who continue to offer their skills and services to Kenya and the international community in various sectors.
Mbae lauded the Ministry of Education for giving mandate to National Polytechnics to develop their own curriculum, assessment and certification to graduates, a thing he says will further enhance competency.
“This initiative will go a long way in enhancing competence as the TVET institutions work closely with the Ministry and Industry”, said Mbae.

Board of Governors chairperson Arch. Karani Mworia noted that the institution’s students population has increased from 1, 000 in the year 2021 to current 3, 000, a trend he attributes to the government’s support through capitation, HELB loans and bursaries as well as good management.
Besides lack of enough trainers, Mworia says that the institution faces challenges such as lack of internet connectivity, enhanced security, and housing for essential members of staff among others.
This year’s ceremony saw 486 graduands excel with various artisan certificate and diploma certificate in the various technical courses.