Pay taxes for better services, Karingani MCA urges Tharaka Nithi residents

By Harun Mugambi
On May 23, the county government of Tharaka Nithi held a public participation forum at Chuka Picnic Grounds to discuss the budget estimate for the 2024/2025 fiscal year.
The event, spearheaded by the budget committee, invited residents to submit their oral submissions and engage in discussions about the county’s financial plans.
Speaking to the media, Karingani MCA Godfrey Murithi who doubles as the Budget Committee Chairman emphasized the importance of public input in the budgeting process.
“We have a budget of 6.3 billion shillings, with 4 billion, which is 64%, allocated to recurrent expenditure,” the chairman stated.
According to the MCA, the remaining funds will be directed towards development projects, with medical services receiving the biggest allocation.
The chairman assured residents that their concerns and suggestions raised during the forum would be taken into consideration.
“Public participation is a pertinent issue entrenched in our constitution. Residents must be actively involved in these discussions to ensure that their needs are met,” he emphasized.
He further encouraged the community to recognize the significance of paying taxes, which is essential for funding public services and development projects.
“I urge all residents to see the value in paying taxes, as it directly contributes to the betterment of our county,” the chairman added.
“I had come to advocate for avocado, apple for export, coffee and tea. Coffee and tea mainly are the main cash crops to which I want the budget to allocate money,” Silas Mugendi, a resident who attended the forum said.
Another resident, Justine Munene emphasized the need for the county government to prioritize cash crops in budget allocation.
“Coffee and tea seem to be neglected by the government, imagine coffee still going at Ksh 30 per kilo!” wondered Munene.
The state of Kirubia stadium, good quality roads, culture, youth, and tourism matters were among the agendas discussed at the forum.
The public participation forum underscored the county’s commitment to transparency and accountability in its financial planning, reinforcing the essential role of citizen engagement in shaping the future of Tharaka Nithi County.