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Governor Mwangaza leads in infrastructure development, receives high praise in recent reports

Governor Kawira Mwangaza is making headlines with her commitment to upgrading and enhancing the county’s road networks and other critical infrastructure.

Through a series of posts on her official Facebook page, Mwangaza has outlined her administration’s ongoing efforts to improve local transport links, which she believes are essential for economic growth and community connectivity.

In her latest update, the governor showcased completed projects across the county, including the rehabilitation of key roads that facilitate access to markets, schools, and healthcare facilities.

“Quality roads are vital for our development agenda and the well-being of our people,” Mwangaza stated in her post. “We are dedicated to ensuring that every corner of Meru County enjoys improved infrastructure that supports both economic activities and the daily lives of our residents.”

Recent surveys have highlighted Mwangaza’s robust infrastructure initiatives. A report from the Kenya Institute of Public Policy Research and Analysis rated her administration highly for its commitment to infrastructure development, citing significant improvements in road conditions and accessibility.

Additionally, Timely Kenya also recognized her as a top performer in road management, further emphasizing her impactful leadership.

In response to community feedback, the governor has launched a series of public forums aimed at discussing ongoing infrastructure projects and gathering input from residents on their needs.

“We want to hear directly from you about what works and what needs improvement. Your voices matter in our development plans,” she emphasized during a recent rally.

Mwangaza’s administration is also focusing on other infrastructure projects, including the upgrading of water supply systems and the construction of new public facilities.

“Fully equipped and functional Ntulili Community water Borehole in Athwana Ward-Tigania West,” she noted in her recent Facebook post

As Governor Mwangaza continues her mission to revolutionize infrastructure in Meru County, the positive public reception and recent commendations from independent evaluators, including Timely Kenya, underscore her administration’s effectiveness in delivering tangible results to the community.

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