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CS Kindiki vows to eradicate banditry, insecurity in Meru County

Interior and National Administration Cabinet Secretary (CS), Prof. Kithure Kindiki, has vowed to end the banditry menace in Meru County through concerted efforts by deploying National Police Reservists (NPR), building security roads, deploying more security officers and establishing more Administrative Units.

Kindiki statement comes a day after a report by Meru County Commissioner Fred Ndunga, indicating that at least 15 people were killed and dozens injured between April and August this year. Thousands of cattle have been stolen in three years, with only a few hundred recovered, he said, noting that Meru’s banditry problem is caused by the pastoralists’ tradition of restocking.

CS Kindiki has declared that security personnel will deploy every possible response to ensure permanent normalcy in the regions affected by surging banditry attacks, especially in the Igembe region.

“I want to make a vow that I will end banditry attacks in this region, just give me a little more time. The government is keen on making sure that no more blood will be shed due to attacks,” Kindiki said.

The Interior CS, was addressing the resident during a function to install a new Deputy County Commissioner at the new Kiengu Sub-county in Igembe Central.

Kindiki added that his mandate is to find solutions to the insecurity adding that his ministry would spare no efforts to eradicate banditry and cattle rustling.

Additionally, the CS directed the police not to issue permits for meetings which can result in chaos.

He further banned Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza’s Okolea Meeting that was expected to take place at Kinjo in Imenti Central on Sunday warning that such meetings could lead to more chaos.

Kindiki called on leaders to refrain from incitements, abusive and chaotic politics

CS Kindiki’s remarks come after the chaotic ‘Okolea Program’ rally at Makiri, Igembe South Constituency that was held by Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza on Sunday.

The Sunday chaos saw angry residents slaughter one cow and burnt mattresses that Mwagaza had come to donate to the public.

The Interior CS added that all the culprits that caused chaos during the Sunday Okolea meeting will be arrested.

“Security officers will arrest all those who caused chaos no matter their ranks including those who attacked journalists,” Kindiki said.

At least 10 suspects were arrested over the  chaos

Kindiki termed political chaos as intolerable warning leaders in the countrywide that the government won’t tolerate politics leading to chaos in the country.

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