Jowie sentenced to death for murder of Monica Kimani

A court has sentenced Kenyan renown musician and celebrity Joseph Irungu alias Jowie to death for the murder of Nairobi businesswoman Monica Kimani.
Lady Justice Grace Nzioka while delivering her judgment on Wednesday, March 13 at Milimani Law Court revealed that the judgment was based on three factors which include; the manner in which the offence was committed, the consequence of the offence and the personality of the accused.
Lady Justice Nzioka described the gruesome ordeal the businesswoman underwent, stating that Kimani’s killer did not intend to even give her one minute to live.
“It was a gruesome, horrific and threatening,” she said
Jowie’s sentencing comes after he was found guilty of the murder on February 9, 2024. The businesswoman was murdered on September 19, 2018, and her body was discovered the following day in her bathtub by her friends and relatives.
During the presentencing, the prosecution had urged the court to impose the death penalty on Jowie.
The prosecution submitted evidence that showed Jowies planned to commit the offence and used a weapon, which they described as deadly, in committing the offence.
The family submitted to the court that the death of their kin was a huge blow. The family noted that Kimani was the breadwinner of the family and that her death affected the family.
“No amount of compensation can bring the deceased back,” the judge stated.
He agreed with the deceased family that no amount of money can be able to bring the deceased back to life. Jowie also contended that the Kimani died a cruel death.
The accused person invited the court to consider that he is a first offender, that he was purely convicted based on the circumstantial evidence and the time he has spent in custody,” she stated.
It was reported to the court that Kimani’s mother cried severally during the writing of the report, forcing the probation officer to stop the interview several times.
Monica’s brother was reported to have stopped watching news and trusting people. He also limited his movements.
The probation officer on the other hand reported to the court that Jowie has a double personality.