Laikipia: Armed bandits invade ranch, drive away over 400 goats

Police in Laikipa North are pursuing over 400 goats that were stolen over the weekend by a contingent of heavily armed bandits from a ranch in Kimanjo.
The bandits attacked the home of Ibrahim Mohammed in a well-executed plan when they laid blocks to prevent police officers at Kimanju police station from responding, driving away the animals towards Isiolo and Samburu counties.
Close to 100 goats were recovered at Wamba in Samburu County and were being ferried back to the ranch with three suspects in custody at Kimanjo police station.
According to locals, the bandits in numbers of about thirty had a well-laid plan on how to steal and drive away the animals at the wee hours of Saturday night.
They blame people from the neighboring counties who have settled in the area who they say are working with the bandits to execute the raids.