Why Capital Sacco is the best avenue for buying shares and making savings- Members narrate

For more than five decades Capital Sacco has been helping to transform the lives of its members by offering loans and other financial services.
The Sacco has withstood the test of turbulent financial times that has seen a number of societies collapse, growing to become one of the biggest indigenous financial institutions in the country.
According to majority of the members, capital Sacco has played a very significant role in their growth and development.

Mr Simon Kobia, one of the oldest members and a Shareholder at the Sacco says he joined the Sacco while working as a journalist at Royal Media Services. Kobia a renown veteran journalist and a former Director of Communications at Tharaka Nithi County says since joining Capital Sacco he has significantly grown financially.
Mr Kobia, a media mogul says Capital Sacco enabled him to purchase a land that that he was able to purchase and own Rain Home Park Meru, a hospitality facility garden along Meru-Maua Road, approximately 8km from Meru town.

Purity Karambu, a dairy farmer hailing from Naari, says Capital Sacco has enable their Dairy Farmers Co-operative Union to grow and develop financially.
“Capital Sacco has been a base for growth of our Naari Dairy and even my homestead,” Ms Karambu lauded the Sacco.
Karambu’s statement was echoed by Mr Nicholas Mutuma who noted that the Sacco has enabled him purchase a vehicle yard that has been generating income to him.
Gitobu M’larama a dairy farmer hailing from Katheri recalls how he went short of money while seeking for fresh fodder for his cattle.
“I had about sixty men who were helping me when I realized that I did not have enough funds to pay them. I did not know what to do until when I contacted Capital Sacco where I had an account and was a shareholder. I needed Sh50,000 but to my surprise I was even able to get Sh100,000 and I was very happy,” M’larama happily revealed.
The dairy farmer lauded the Sacco for its convenience and ability to swiftly solve its members financial needs.

Elijah Mwirigi a coffee and dairy farmer hailed the Capital Sacco’s tailormade Services and products noting that he has hugely benefited since becoming a member and shareholder.
His statement was supported by Lucy Misheck who is a member of a group in Meru owning a fleet of Public Transport Vehicles. She noted that Capital Sacco has enabled them to expand their transport business. According to her they have been saving and purchasing shares from Capital Sacco as a group, noting that his has enabled them grow financially.
Stepheen Mutea who hails from Gatimbi and is also a member of a self-help group says their persistent saving and purchasing of shares from Capital Sacco has transformed their lives financially.
According to him, they have been purchasing shares worth Sh3000 twice a month for every member, a move he says has empowered them.