Governor Njuki bans chairs and lounges at the wines and spirits shops

Fanatics and lovers of wines and spirits have been dealt a major blow by a new directive released on Tuesday by Tharaka Nithi Governor Muthomi Njuki.
The notice seen by County Focus is prohibiting Chairs and lounges at the wines and spirit shops.
“Wines and spirits are prohibited to have lounges or chairs for consumers. they shall offer sale services exclusively,” the governor’s notice read.
Mr. Njuki has directed the Wines and Spirits junctions to offer only sales services. Additionally, he has banned the consumption of alcohol at wine and spirit shops.
The notice also dictates that the wines and spirits shops should be opened at 10 AM and closed at 8:30 PM.
In addition, Njuki ordered that only Chogoria, Marimanti, Kathwana, and Chuka towns will be allowed to operate nightclubs between 2 PM to 3 AM.

Njuki further directed that bars and restaurants should operate exclusively in 17 towns around the county which include, Kathwana, Marimanti, Chogoria, Chuka, Mitheru, Kaanwa, Tunyai, Gatunga, Nkondi, Kibugua, Chiakariga, Mukothima, Magutuni, Marima, ltugururu, Kajuki, and Kibunga.
“The bars shall exclusively operate between 5:00 pm – 11:00 pm on weekdays and 2PM – 11 PM on weekends & public holidays,” the notice further read.
The Tharaka Nithi Governor further called on liquor premises to adhere to public health and physical planning standard as well as have Kenya Bureau of Standards certificates and license.
Governor Njuki also revoked all permits until the new guidelines are met.
“All licensed brewers’ permit in the county are revoked until they meet the new guidelines. Failure to adhere to any of the directives above will amount to revocation of the license and/or face legal charges,” Njuki warned.
Njuki’s orders come a year after bar owners across the country pledged not to reelect governors whose administrations have frustrated the operations of their entities. Governor Njuki is running his last term as Tharaka Nithi Governor after being successfully re-elected in 2022 general elections.
Through their Chairperson Simon Njoroge, the bar owners’ association decried the tough business environment and exorbitant license fees introduced by the County Chiefs to the bar owners.