
Journalist keen to unseat Karambu Kailemia in 2027

Florence Karambu Murithi alias Auntie Njema, a Meru based journalist has intensified her campaigns in her bid to unseat Meru Woman Representative Elizabeth Kailemia.

Njema who hails from Nkando village in Buuri Subcounty said her decision to vie arose after a report released by Mzalendo Trust on August Last year named Kailemia among less active legislators who are yet to make a maiden speech in the National Assembly

The outspoken journalist said she is targeting women and youth adding that she wants to change the perception of Woman Representative seat from a passive to an active one.

According to Njema, she intends to initiate a transformative agenda that includes access to education, jobs, promoting income-generating activities, food security and supporting health.

“We have had devolution for the last 10 years but the potential of Meru County is yet to be tapped. Now is the time to tap into such potential and ensure all our Sub-counties benefit and especially young people and Women,” Njema told County Focus reporter in an interview at Meru town

Njema added that surge in unemployment and underdevelopment in the County prompted her to jump into the murky waters of politics.

She said most talented youths in the county resort to illegal activities due to lack of support from the leaders.

“I’m going to support talents, create jobs, mobilize investors to bring companies to Meru County and initiate social enterprises to enable young people to start businesses and develop themselves,” Njema added.

She pledged economic upliftment through agribusiness among women and youth, talent identification and support particularly in sports, music and art promotion of culture.

Njema also promised to support women and youth engaged in small scale businesses, bursary provision to needy bright runners and prioritization of income generating activities.

According to Njema Meru County has a lot of untapped resources, the most obvious being the Miraa and Bananas that have existed for the longest time but not a single processing plant. 

If elected, Njema promised to use the National Government Affirmative Action Fund to alleviate People Living with Disability, women and youth from poverty. 

“I am stepping up for better legislation and representation of the people. Change starts with us and if we don’t stand up then we miss out on a lifelong change of our lives now and for future generations. The youth must be part of the change-makers and not spectators. We have previously been watching others while demanding change. Let us be the change we advocate for,” She stated.

She added that the County needs a stern leadership that will not politicize the lives of residents but rather work on improving lives and creating an enabling environment for businesses.

Njema said her focus would be to transform lives of people in the County by providing long-lasting solutions to address poverty, hunger, disease and under-education to communities.

“Empowerment of women and youth, better policies for businesses to thrive and support for those practicing Agriculture should be the key focus for a Woman Representative. It is very sad that our people in Northern regions of Meru are dying of hunger while other are suffering due to poverty. Our Miraa, bananas, tea, coffee, potatoes and fruit farmers especially youth, Women and PWDs practicing farming should not be struggling without support,” Njema noted.

“The arts and creative economy must be key and supported financially and policy-wise. This is an industry that can change Kenya’s economy and I shall ensure there’s a huge boost for this,” she pointed out

At the moment Njema is negotiating with various political parties to pick which best aligns with her aspirations but claims she may consider running as an independent candidate. 

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