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Kathuri rebukes Mwangaza after chaotic Igembe Okolea rally

A day after unruly goons attacked and disrupted Meru Governor Kawira Mwangaza’s Okolea program rally, burning mattresses and slaughtering a cow that was to be donated in the function that was held at Makiri in Igembe South, Meru Senator Kathuri Murungi has told off the governor.

In a post on his Facebook account, Kathuri has ridiculed the Meru governor arguing that she failed to listen to his advice over the need to seek truce with his Deputy Mutuma M’Ethingia.

“Governor Kawira Mwangaza, I advised you to sit with your Deputy and forge ahead in unity as you serve the Meru People. Leadership is about moving together with others. It is about inclusiveness. Meru needs total restoration to the factory settings,” Kathuri wrote on his Facebook page.

Kathuri’s comments come after angry residents protested on Sunday by slaughtering a cow and torching mattresses that Mwangaza had carried to donate to the public.

Businesses were disrupted in Igembe South as the supporters as supporters of various political factions engaged in stone-throwing contests on Sunday, an incident that disrupted Mwangaza’s Okolea program in the region.

According to a Police report, an unknown number of people were injured in the chaos.

The protests follow escalating war and division between the Governor and her Deputy Mutuma.

Makiri is the home village of the Meru Deputy Governor Mr Mutuma. Residents who spoke to the media termed the Sunday Okolea incident which the deputy governor did not attend as a despise and arrogance against them.

Police had to use teargas canisters to disperse the protesters.

Mwangaza said they experienced violence where part of their donations were destroyed including a cow that was meant to benefit a needy family.

“We want to express our deep disappointment and condemnation of such retrogressive behavior. It is unacceptable to disrupt a charitable effort aimed at helping people in need.”

“We strongly believe that the perpetrators of these heinous acts need to face the full force of the law. We call upon relevant agencies to investigate the matter thoroughly and take the necessary measures against those responsible. We must ensure this never happens again in our society,” she said in a Facebook post.

Elsewhere, the Interior Cabinet Secretary has ordered a ceasefire on political wrangles pitting criminals supporting Kawira and Mutuma

“Security agencies have commenced the hunt for the criminals and will round them up, arrest and prosecute every one of them. Investigations will also ensue on the planners, abetters and financiers of the violence witnessed in the Igembe region of the County,” Kindiki said over the Sunday incident.

He said citizens, including political leaders of all ranks and all political parties must carry out their activities lawfully and peacefully without exception.

“No violence whatsoever will be tolerated as it undermines national security, the rule of law and makes our Country look backward,” Kindiki added

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