Nkabune TTI praised for embracing CBET curriculum as it holds the 15th graduation

Nkabune Technical Training Institute was showered with praises for embracing Competency-Based Education and Training curriculum (CBET) in courses offered at the institution as more than 900 cohorts graduated with various awards.
Speaking during the colorful event held at the institution, the Principal Secretary State Department for Technical, Vocational Education and Training (SD-TVET) Dr Esther Thaara Muoria lauded the Institute for embracing CBET in its various courses such as food production, food science level five, pastry level four, beauty therapy level four, and five and hairdressing level four and five among others in a bid to steer and achieve competence among the youth.

“May I acknowledge the efforts made by this Institution in equipping learners with skills that they so much need in the job market,” the PS added.
Dr Muoria said the decision to shift the TVET sector from knowledge-based training to competence-based training has been informed by the fact that CBET places emphasis on what learners can do and not necessarily what they know.
She encouraged the technical and vocational education training (TVET) institutions’ principals to embrace the change ushered in by the new education curriculum.
The PS called on the principals to direct their efforts and available resources towards ensuring they fully shift to competence-based education and training by way of giving trainees practical skills through innovation and the use of live projects in their institutions where students work in a real-time environment to sharpen their skills.
She further urged TVET institutions to forge gainful partnerships with industry players.
Dr Muoria said the partnerships will help identify market gaps that TVET institutions should fill through competent training to meet the market demand.
According to the PS the government priorities have shifted from just educating and training to giving skills to the youth.
She appealed to the industry players to help TVET institutions in identifying the niche areas where we need to tailor our focus in skill development.
“I appreciate Nkabune TTI for going the extra- mile by signing a Memorandum of Understanding with four industries for duo training of students. This is a great move that goes in line with the government’s agenda even as we seek to migrate from knowledge-based learning to skills-based learning in our institutions,” said Ms Mworia.

Ms Mworia revealed that despite numerous challenges faced in the implementation of the CBET curricula, her department has resolved not to retreat for the sake of tomorrow’s generation.
“I am very optimistic that once fully implemented, CBET curricula will spur this country to become the Singapore of Africa,” She said.
Samson Raiji, the Chair of the Board of Governors at Nkabune TTI congratulated the 2023 cohorts wishing them success in their future endeavors while encouraging them to always dream new dreams and work towards making them real.
“Graduates, believe in yourselves, embrace life with passion and keep reaching for the stars,” said Raiji.
The Principal Mrs Eunice Njenga emboldened the graduating class to take time to reflect on their passion besides considering other goals in life through using their learned problem-solving skills such as critical thinking, resilience, self-awareness, and communication necessary as their pursuit for success in the future.

“Remember that money is earned and spent but experience and wisdom through dedication, hard work, and strong faith will take you places and give you happiness that money can’t buy,” said Mrs Njenga.