
Politicians storm Police Station demanding justice over slain Chuka Bodaboda leader

Various Tharaka Nithi elected leaders showed up at Chuka Police headquarters on Tuesday to demand answers over the killing of Bodaboda Association chairman Willis Mugambi and a local trader, Mr Daniel Mutembei.

Led by Tharaka Nithi County Assembly Speaker John Mbabu and Chuka Igambang’ombe member of parliament Patrick Munene the leaders called on the Regional Commander Bunei Rono to hasten the investigation and bring the culprits to book.

Other leaders who accompanied Mr Mbabu and Munene include Maara MP Kareke Mbiuki and ward representative Justin Kithinji (Magumoni ward), Godfrey Gaturo Murithi (Karingani ward), Nevert Ntwiga (Mitheru ward), Jones Kinegeni (Mwimbi ward) Joseph Njeru (Igambang’ombe ward), Salvestas (Gatunga ward) Joseph Kinyua (Chiakariga ward) among others.

Mugambi was allegedly shot to death by a police officer during an earlier protest at Chuka town over the uncertain death of Mr Mutembei. The residents, among them Chuka town Bodaboda operators demanded the arrest of his killers.

It was while police dispersed these demonstrators that the association chair was reportedly shot to death leading to protests by Bodaboda operators demanding justice over the death of their leader.

The town has remained in tension with tens of shops remaining closed since Sunday as locals brace for protests against the killing of the Mr Mugambi. 

The protesters have been demanding a police officer based at the Runyenje Police Station to be investigated over the shooting death of Mugambi.

The Bodaboda operators led by Chuka/Igambang’ombe Member of Parliament Patrick Munene and his Maara counterpart Kareke Mbiuki had given police up to today morning to arrest and arraign the alleged officer in court failure to which they will ‘take action’.

“Through dialogue and honest engagement between different arms of the government, justice not only for Mutembei and Willis ‘Kiraku’ Mugambi but other pending issues will be addressed. Let peace prevail as the wheels of justice hasten to bring culprits to book,” Speaker Mbabu’s statement read in part.  

They also demanded cancellation of an anticipatory bail given to five people accused of killing Daniel Mutembei from Nkwego village in Chuka Igambang’ombe Constituency three weeks ago.

It is the killing of Mutembei that sparked the demonstrations which led to the death of Mugambi as police battled demonstrators.

On her side, speaking to a local media house Tharaka Nithi County Police Commander Donatha Chali said that Independent Police Oversight Authority (IPOA), Internal Affairs Unit and Directorate of Criminal Investigations (DCI) officers had launched investigations into the deaths of the two people.

On Saturday evening, Interior and Coordination of National Government Cabinet Secretary Prof Kithure Kindiki also announced that he had sent high-level investigative teams to Chuka town to take over the inquiry of the two deaths.

“High-level investigative teams have been dispatched to Chuka town to take over inquiry and recommend action,” Prof Kindiki said in a statement.

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